Sharkit tank type name:" HOWLIN WOLF"
Hand made one by one by renaud.
Num 177---- 400 euros
Num 183----480 euros (others access hatch and cap possible)
Num 177 & 183: Made from fuelproof resin.(by no way the cheap usual polyester resin)
-Front horse shoes are provide, they need to be glued (simply with Araldite for instance) by yourself depending the exact position of the tank you choose.
-Still depending of your tank position choice, the rear pad must be drilled (easy).
-The standard petcock provide is a 1/4 bsp, three positions, outside fuel hose 8mm.
-I can set another petcock if you provide it.
-I can drill holes for the petcock you want if you provide datas.
If you want another cap, provide it and I'll set it on a next tank for you.

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